Saturday, 4 June 2011

Why not Bali?

Jessica (our 22 year old daughter) was in KL for three weeks pausing between Internship with Deloitte (Houston) and then six weeks study abroad in Hong Kong (I want to be one of my kids!).  We wanted to make the time as enjoyable and adventurous as possible, agenda:
- See as much of KL as possible (while Matt works) including Wesak Day
- Travel within Malaysia (Pangkor Island and Penang) outside of KL
- Travel to another Asian country (Indonesia - Java)

As we shared our stories with others the question always came up - "why not Bali?"

I understand Bali is beautiful and we'll probably make it there at some point but not really a priority.  As part of our moving experience, we offered people the opportunity to ship "stuff" to our house and it was shipped over from the US in our container - it became a friends of friends thing.  Talking with one person who had been here 5+ years - she and her family always went to Phuket for vacation.  They hadn't been anywhere else......  Phuket is beautiful but ..........

I hope the following posts and pictures help explain why Indonesia and Asia is so much more than a few high profile resorts.

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