Saturday 4 June 2011

Two wheel workhorse

I thought motorscooters was ubiquitous in KL.  Java and Yogjakarta scooter culture puts KL to shame.  I find it relatively easy to drive in KL - but Indonesia was at least an order of magnitude more complicated and rules even more optional.  A driver was the way to go.

Scooter's are not just transport or toys - they are the workhorse of daily commerce.

Scooters are the luxury transport - plenty of people carrying the load with peddle power

 Song birds are a big favorite of Javans
 Doing the daily/weekly grocery shopping by scooter (Scooter mom vs Soccer (van driving) Mom?)
 Scooters outnumbers cars at least 10 to 1 at all the traffic lights - amazing not more accidents
 The winner for maximum people we saw on one scooter was five.  Everyone rides a scooter - I saw a woman in the full black hijib driving one - Indonesia has a more relaxed view of woman's rights than some other Islamic countries.  Just like in KL, the jackets are often on backwards to catch all the bugs

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