Sunday, 19 June 2011

Salad bowl

There has been lots of discussion about American culture changing from melting pot (single culture) to salad (multiple cultures in one country) and which is better.  There is no doubt that a melting pot is better - just loook at the challenges Europe is finding with the salad approach to Muslim immigrants.

Malaysia is an interesting case study in moving from melting pot to salad.  Under the British (until 1957) while there were differences between Malay, Chinese, Indian and Indigenous people - everyone learned English, everyone went to the same schools, etc.  As recently as 20 years ago (according to some Malaysian I worked with in the US) everyone went to the same schools so even if culture pushed adults apart, people had grown up with the "others".  Now, the schools are fragmenting along ethnic lines due to the government decisions on preferences and language of instruction in the schools - moving from English to Bahasa.

One Malaysia is the government marketing campaign.  It's a good slogan and goal but do you have to say "One France" or "One Japan"?  If a person tells you it's not about the money - it's about the money.  There are big cracks under the surface of harmony.

It is always comforting that American Culture is even more universal than English.  I was surprised to see so many Golden Arches on cars until I was told that the sticker gives a drive-in discount - American Marketing again triumphs.

Great example of Malaysia - any and all types of people can be seen here.  The one exception is I haven't seen any cowboy boots and Stetsons - if the boots weren't so hot, I'd start wearing mine.


 I really enjoy artistic graffiti - from the people's heart culture


Funny how these type of guards (with different costumes) are all over the world - England, Greece, Czech Republic.  I am just disappointed Jess and Janet didn't get closer and get their pictures taken guarding the Sultan or King's palace.  I need to tell them I expect more in the future.
 As other posts have highlighted - it's good to the the Sultan or King.  Malaysia has one of the highest disparities in wealth of any country in the world - the wealthy are on both an absolute and relative scale - small in number but really wealthy.

The salad bowl does provide some great contrasts and is never visually boring
A more conventional method of signifying differences in people's allegiances and cultures.

Beauty of all kinds - including beautiful stones can be appreciated by all and bring people together to be glad it is shared by the country.

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