Saturday 2 July 2011

Real vs "tourist" Buddhist sanctuary

As we wandered outside of Borobudur we came to a couple of small Candi's (temples) and next to one was a Buddhist monastery with the front grounds largely open to the public.

Closed gates but free admission (Hindu temples all had a nominal admission)

Mix of tranquil pond, stupa (tall pillar - not sure what the significance of Stupa's are but common throughout South Asia)  -I guess kind of like the large boulder the Israelites used to mark the presence of God.

The only other tourists were some three European (who's native language was not English) strolling on the pathway lined with upside down lotus flowers.

I really like these little guys- I need to find some lightweight ones.

I need to learn more about the true meaning of they being - Makara - hybrid animals - usually a mammal and fish.

More surprises - encircling the Olympic torch

Tranquil scene of a bird/person - or maybe an angel


Yes, I am a sucker for stained glass - that Catholic upbringing I guess.

But these aren't stainglass I would see in small town USA (or any Catholic church)

Interesting sculpture at many level:
- Is the sculpture broken or made that way?
- Is the woman prostrating herself or is the foot on her hair?
- What is the standing woman's role?

Buddha was male? Correct - I realize that is a culturally insensitive question and male and females dress differently but maybe Buddha has transcended gender (which actually would make sense)

An interesting mix of Buddha's - in this case the Buddha on a Cobra

The rarely seen - Starving Buddha - I always wondered why Buddha is so hat and happy since my understanding is that he left his palace and starved himself to seeing the path to Nirvana (God)
 I've seen multiple reclining Buddha's but never a  sleeping Buddha's especially one covered in a golden blanket ........

I made sure Jessica whispered so we didn't wake him

Different angle on the footprint in front of napping Buddha


Nice views of chandelier in the room


More traditional reclining Buddha

The signs said that this Buddhist monastery was a gift from Japanese Buddhist (missionaries aren't just Christian)

The gongs I love so much - but where is the striker!!!!!
My view of cool photography - shot through the glass in one of the locked building with an overlay reflection of the trees outside - subtle enough (like me) you aren't sure if the tree pattern is inside or outside (at least that is my story)

Nice cultural mix (by current standards) - Indian Elephant and Chinese Buddha

Impressive Stupa - but are you sure it isn't a phallic symbol?

Appropriate this close to Borobudur - Buddha on the outside of upside down bell (surrounded by water)

The Buddhist guards - if I could grow a mustache I could be one

Another first for a Buddhist temple (or anywhere else for that matter) - any ideas?  Seems somewhat extraterrestrial - but lack a power source (at least a physics explainable one)

Definitely worth a visit - we say a monk reading - he ignored us (amazing) and went inside the private part of the compound.  I'm sure it was because he heard me asking Jessica to ask him for the gong striker .........

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