Sunday 5 June 2011

Borobudur - Manahora Hotel

We had been up since 4:00 am, traveled to Java, seen three different temple complexes and it was mid-afternoon.  We were tired but not too tired to appreciate the Manahora hotel (on the grounds of the Borobudur temple).


 Replica (so nobody is confused)

Grounds - very relaxing - night and day from Yogyjakarta

A couple of large friends

 View of Borodudur from dining area

 On the 5 minute walking path from hotel to temple

The hotel rooms are basic (and apparently expensive - $70 USD/night) and the TV doesn't get any local channels (if you are here for TV, you are in the wrong place) but the unlimited access and serenity of the grounds is priceless. 

I would recommend that anyone who s going to the Borobudur to stay here but since it is a good hour from the airport - not the best place to stay if you have an early flight out the following morning.  Nice thing is the Yogyjakarta International Airport was not crowded.

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