Sunday, 19 June 2011

Men are Men even at the Mosque

Janet and Jessica visited and really enjoyed the National Mosque.

Very nice, tranquil spot - near a large park - open to all (during non-prayer times).  Notice the shade and water.

Distinctive architecture - and a different approach than expected for a mosque

Not sure of the significance of this crypt, writing, stones or tall urns but good photography

Islam does do classy architecture - the inability to show people forces a focus on designs and patterns that is pleasing to the eye

Design is simplified by not needing to provide pews

A bit different representation of the time - I thought Westerners used Arabic numbering - must be the concepts and not the script.


Women and children's quarters
To visit the mosque required donning these colorful, full coverage robes.  As on late 20s, early 30s male attendant was helping Janet and Jessica get their robes.  He couldn't help but ask Jessica about her marital status and explain that he was looking to get married and would she be interested in getting to know him better.  Janet was aghast "at the MOSQUE" but Jess can handle flirting easily and left his pride intact enough to take these pictures

Head cover slipping but maybe it's outside the the prayer room.

View of Indian Mosque - from late 1800s and early 1900.

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