Wednesday 13 April 2011

What do people talk about when the weather is the same every day?

The weather in KL is the same for weeks at a time – 22 C (72) - 34 C (93 F) with 100% humidity and a rain shower sometime in the day.    Even with this stability, some people still talk about the weather – “hot today”, “wet today”.  But the big question the locals ask on the weather is how I like it.  When I say “we love it , it’s actually cooler than in Houston during July and August” the conversation ends.

So what is the small talk conversation topic? 
·         Did you have your lunch?
·         What did you have for lunch?
·         Did you have your dinner?

This is not a Malaysia only topic – common from Singaporeans as well.  On one call with a Singaporean who is helping the 11 of us expats get moved, when I replied that I didn’t have time for lunch, her response was I should and all of us Westerners aren’t taking care of ourselves and eating proper lunch.  Like I need lunch every day or I’ll blow away in the wind!

Now, I just tell everyone that yes I had lunch – easier and makes everyone happy. 

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