Friday 8 April 2011

Malaysian Slang

English is the universal language but there is a worldwide variation in slang, dialects, accent, etc.  I don’t see how the Scots and Indians understand each other – but maybe it’s just my ear.  Plenty of unique local language in Texas and the US South – books have been written about it but a few that deserve mention
·         Ya’ll – everyone a person is talking with
·         Fixin’ – going to do something
·         Getherdone – do whatever it takes and get the job done
·         Carry – transport someone in your car
In Malaysia, I had read about “lah” – as a universal addition to a sentence, like the Canadian habit of ending all sentences with “Ah?”.  I have actually needed to listen for lah.  What I haven’t had to listen for is the Verb replacing Sentence structure
·         Can, Can – when asking for an action – the response is emphatic Can, Can – I can do that
·         Will, Will – see above
·         Have, Have – see above
·         True, True – I agree and you are speaking the truth
I have yet to hear any similar negative sayings.  The is no
·         Won’t, Won’t
·         Can’t Can’t
·         False, False
But then I’ve yet to hear anyone tell me no to anything (but that is another article)

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